Friday, 10 May 2013

10/05/2013 Rehearsal for Shakespeare

Tempo Walking
We used this exercise in one of our rehearsals. In the rehearsal we would all walk around the room reading the monologues aloud, whilst we were reading we would look out for punctuation such as full stops and commas  Whenever one would appear, we would instantly stop turn a sharp angle and walk in another direction. The purpose of this is to understand the pace of our monologues which also helps us discover the moods in which they are presented in. In my Friar Lawrence Monologue, there's a lot of hesitation at the start of the scene with the short sentences. This is because he is unsure whether to say what he is about to due to the fact it may come across wrong, however as it progressed into the story, the sentences began to become longer and therefore represents Friar as becoming more relaxed about telling the story.

The next technique we used was adding gestures to a word within a sentence which we felt stood out the most. For example in one of my sentences I felt the key word was "My", this is because he is talking about how he provided Juliet with the potion etc. The gesture I added to this was bring my to my hand up in front of me then pulling to my chest, this was to emphasise the emotion that was coming through Friar and how he dreads of the fact that he had a part in what happened

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